Source code for

# coding: utf-8
Training module
import heapq
import math
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import nullcontext
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import torch
from import Dataset
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

from joeynmt.batch import Batch
from import build_gradient_clipper, build_optimizer, build_scheduler
from joeynmt.config import (
from joeynmt.helpers import (
from joeynmt.helpers_for_ddp import (
from joeynmt.model import Model
from joeynmt.prediction import predict, prepare, test

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class TrainManager: """ Manages training loop, validations, learning rate scheduling and early stopping. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( self, rank: int, model: Model, model_dir: Path, device: torch.device, n_gpu: int = 0, num_workers: int = 0, autocast: Dict = None, seed: int = 42, train_args: TrainConfig = None, dev_args: TestConfig = None ) -> None: """ Creates a new TrainManager for a model, specified as in configuration. :param model: torch module defining the model :param model_dir: directory to save ckpts :param device: torch device :param n_gpu: number of gpus. 0 if cpu. :param num_workers: number of multiprocess workers. :param autocast: autocast context :param seed: random seed :param train_args: config args for training :param dev_args: config args for validation """ self.rank = rank self.args = train_args # config for training self.dev_cfg = dev_args # config for geedy decoding self.seed = seed self.model_dir = model_dir # access these variables only when rank == 0 if self.rank == 0: # tensorboard self.tb_writer = SummaryWriter( log_dir=(model_dir / "tensorboard").as_posix() ) # save/delete checkpoints self.ckpt_queue: List[Tuple[float, Path]] = [] # heap queue # model self.model = model # CPU / GPU self.device = device self.n_gpu = n_gpu self.num_workers = num_workers # optimization self.clip_grad_fun = build_gradient_clipper(cfg=self.args._asdict()) self.optimizer = build_optimizer( cfg=self.args._asdict(), parameters=self.model.parameters() ) # fp16 self.scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler(enabled=autocast["enabled"]) \ if self.device.type == "cuda" else None self.autocast = autocast # learning rate scheduling self.scheduler, self.scheduler_step_at = build_scheduler( cfg=self.args._asdict(), scheduler_mode="min" if self.args.minimize_metric else "max", optimizer=self.optimizer, hidden_size=self.model.encoder._output_size, ) # Placeholder so that we can use the train_iter in other functions. self.train_iter, self.train_iter_state = None, None # initialize training statistics self.stats = self.TrainStatistics(minimize_metric=self.args.minimize_metric) # load model parameters if self.args.load_model is not None: self.init_from_checkpoint( self.args.load_model, reset_best_ckpt=self.args.reset_best_ckpt, reset_scheduler=self.args.reset_scheduler, reset_optimizer=self.args.reset_optimizer, reset_iter_state=self.args.reset_iter_state, ) for layer_name, load_path in [ ("encoder", self.args.load_encoder), ("decoder", self.args.load_decoder), ]: if load_path is not None: self.init_layers(path=load_path, layer=layer_name) def _save_checkpoint(self, new_best: bool, score: float) -> None: """ Save the model's current parameters and the training state to a checkpoint. The training state contains the total number of training steps, the total number of training tokens, the best checkpoint score and iteration so far, and optimizer and scheduler states. :param new_best: This boolean signals which symlink we will use for the new checkpoint. If it is true, we update best.ckpt. :param score: Validation score which is used as key of heap queue. if score is float('nan'), the queue won't be updated. """ assert self.rank == 0, self.rank # execute this func only in the master process model_path = Path(self.model_dir) / f"{self.stats.steps}.ckpt" state = { "model_state": self.model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state": self.optimizer.state_dict(), "scaler_state": ( self.scaler.state_dict() if self.scaler is not None else None ), "scheduler_state": ( self.scheduler.state_dict() if self.scheduler is not None else None ), "train_iter_state": self.train_iter.batch_sampler.get_state(), "stats_state": self.stats.state_dict(), }, model_path.as_posix())"Checkpoint saved in %s.", model_path) # update symlink symlink_target = Path(f"{self.stats.steps}.ckpt") # last symlink last_path = Path(self.model_dir) / "latest.ckpt" prev_path = symlink_update(symlink_target, last_path) # update always # best symlink best_path = Path(self.model_dir) / "best.ckpt" if new_best: prev_path = symlink_update(symlink_target, best_path) assert best_path.resolve().stem == str(self.stats.best_ckpt_iter) # push to and pop from the heap queue to_delete = None if not math.isnan(score) and self.args.keep_best_ckpts > 0: if len(self.ckpt_queue) < self.args.keep_best_ckpts: # no pop, push only heapq.heappush(self.ckpt_queue, (score, model_path)) else: # push + pop the worst one in the queue if self.args.minimize_metric: # pylint: disable=protected-access heapq._heapify_max(self.ckpt_queue) to_delete = heapq._heappop_max(self.ckpt_queue) heapq.heappush(self.ckpt_queue, (score, model_path)) # pylint: enable=protected-access else: to_delete = heapq.heappushpop(self.ckpt_queue, (score, model_path)) if to_delete is not None: assert to_delete[1] != model_path # don't delete the last ckpt if to_delete[1].stem != best_path.resolve().stem: delete_ckpt(to_delete[1]) # don't delete the best ckpt assert len(self.ckpt_queue) <= self.args.keep_best_ckpts # remove old symlink target if not in queue after push/pop if prev_path is not None and prev_path.stem not in [ c[1].stem for c in self.ckpt_queue ]: delete_ckpt(prev_path)
[docs] def init_from_checkpoint( self, path: Path, reset_best_ckpt: bool = False, reset_scheduler: bool = False, reset_optimizer: bool = False, reset_iter_state: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Initialize the trainer from a given checkpoint file. This checkpoint file contains not only model parameters, but also scheduler and optimizer states, see `self._save_checkpoint`. :param path: path to checkpoint :param reset_best_ckpt: reset tracking of the best checkpoint, use for domain adaptation with a new dev set. :param reset_scheduler: reset the learning rate scheduler, and do not use the one stored in the checkpoint. :param reset_optimizer: reset the optimizer, and do not use the one stored in the checkpoint. :param reset_iter_state: reset the sampler's internal state and do not use the one stored in the checkpoint. """"Loading model from %s", path) map_location = {"cuda:0": f"cuda:{self.rank}"} if use_ddp() else self.device model_checkpoint = load_checkpoint(path=path, map_location=map_location) # restore model and optimizer parameters self.model.load_state_dict(model_checkpoint["model_state"]) if not reset_optimizer: self.optimizer.load_state_dict(model_checkpoint["optimizer_state"]) if "scaler_state" in model_checkpoint and self.scaler is not None: self.scaler.load_state_dict(model_checkpoint["scaler_state"]) else:"Reset optimizer.") if not reset_scheduler: if ( model_checkpoint["scheduler_state"] is not None and self.scheduler is not None ): self.scheduler.load_state_dict(model_checkpoint["scheduler_state"]) else:"Reset scheduler.") if not reset_best_ckpt: # for backwards compatibility: stats_state = model_checkpoint.get( "stats_state", { "epochs": model_checkpoint.get("epochs", 1), "steps": model_checkpoint.get("steps", 0), "total_tokens": model_checkpoint.get("total_tokens", 0), "total_correct": model_checkpoint.get("total_correct", 0), "best_ckpt_score": model_checkpoint.get("best_ckpt_score", 0.0), "best_ckpt_iter": model_checkpoint.get("best_ckpt_iteration", 0), } ) # restore TrainStatistics self.stats.load_state_dict(stats_state) else:"Reset tracking of the best checkpoint.") if not reset_iter_state: # restore counters assert "train_iter_state" in model_checkpoint self.train_iter_state = model_checkpoint["train_iter_state"].cpu() # TODO: save / restore epoch no, since DistirbutedSampler resets generator # based on the initial seed + epoch no else: # reset counters if explicitly 'train_iter_state: True' in config"Reset data iterator (random seed: {%d}).", self.seed)
[docs] def init_layers(self, path: Path, layer: str) -> None: """ Initialize encoder decoder layers from a given checkpoint file. :param path: path to checkpoint :param layer: layer name; 'encoder' or 'decoder' expected """ assert path is not None layer_state_dict = OrderedDict()"Loading %s laysers from %s", layer, path) map_location = {"cuda:0": f"cuda:{self.rank}"} if use_ddp() else self.device ckpt = load_checkpoint(path=path, map_location=map_location) for k, v in ckpt["model_state"].items(): if k.startswith(layer): layer_state_dict[k] = v self.model.load_state_dict(layer_state_dict, strict=False)
[docs] def train_and_validate(self, train_data: Dataset, valid_data: Dataset) -> None: """ Train the model and validate it from time to time on the validation set. :param train_data: training data :param valid_data: validation data """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements # dataloader self.train_iter = train_data.make_iter( batch_size=self.args.batch_size, batch_type=self.args.batch_type, seed=self.seed, shuffle=self.args.shuffle, num_workers=self.num_workers, device=self.device, eos_index=self.model.eos_index, pad_index=self.model.pad_index, ) # TODO: set iter state in the first epoch loop (?) if self.train_iter_state is not None: self.train_iter.batch_sampler.set_state(self.train_iter_state) # training config batch_size_per_device = self.args.batch_size effective_batch_size = self.args.batch_size * self.args.batch_multiplier if use_ddp(): effective_batch_size = effective_batch_size * self.n_gpu elif self.n_gpu > 1: batch_size_per_device = batch_size_per_device // self.n_gpu "Train config:\n" "\tdevice: %s\n" "\tn_gpu: %d\n" "\tddp training: %r\n" "\t16-bits training: %r\n" "\tgradient accumulation: %d\n" "\tbatch size per device: %d\n" "\teffective batch size (w. parallel & accumulation): %d", self.device.type, self.n_gpu, use_ddp(), self.autocast["enabled"], self.args.batch_multiplier, batch_size_per_device, effective_batch_size, ) ################################################################# # simplify accumulation logic: ################################################################# # for epoch in range(epochs): # model.zero_grad() # epoch_loss = 0.0 # batch_loss = 0.0 # for i, batch in enumerate(train_iter): # # # gradient accumulation: # # loss.backward() will be called in _train_step() # batch_loss += _train_step(batch) # # if (i + 1) % args.batch_multiplier == 0: # optimizer.step() # update! # model.zero_grad() # reset gradients # steps += 1 # increment counter # # epoch_loss += batch_loss # accumulate batch loss # batch_loss = 0 # reset batch loss # # # leftovers are just ignored. # # (see `drop_last` arg in train_iter.batch_sampler) ################################################################# # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks try: for epoch_no in range(self.stats.epochs, self.args.epochs + 1, 1): ddp_synchronize() # wait for all processes before starting an epoch"EPOCH %d", epoch_no) self.stats.epochs = epoch_no if self.scheduler_step_at == "epoch": self.scheduler.step(epoch=epoch_no) # resuffle/resample data train_data.seed = self.seed + epoch_no valid_data.seed = self.seed + epoch_no self.train_iter.batch_sampler.set_seed(self.seed + epoch_no) self.model.train() self.model.zero_grad() # reset statistics for each epoch # Note: access these variables only when rank == 0 if self.rank == 0: start_tokens = self.stats.total_tokens start_correct = self.stats.total_correct epoch_nseqs, epoch_ntokens, epoch_loss = 0, 0, 0 total_train_duration, total_valid_duration = 0, 0 total_batch_loss = 0 start = time.time() batch: Batch # yield a joeynmt Batch object for i, batch in enumerate(self.train_iter): # get batch loss batch_loss, correct_tokens = self._train_step(batch) batch_nseqs = ddp_reduce(batch.nseqs, self.device, torch.long) batch_ntokens = ddp_reduce(batch.ntokens, self.device, torch.long) # increment token counter if self.rank == 0: total_batch_loss += batch_loss epoch_nseqs += batch_nseqs.item() epoch_ntokens += batch_ntokens.item() self.stats.total_tokens += batch_ntokens.item() self.stats.total_correct += correct_tokens # update the model parameters! if (i + 1) % self.args.batch_multiplier == 0: # clip gradients (in-place) if self.clip_grad_fun is not None: self.clip_grad_fun(parameters=self.model.parameters()) # make gradient step if self.scaler is None: self.optimizer.step() else: self.scaler.step(self.optimizer) self.scaler.update() # decay lr if self.scheduler_step_at == "step": self.scheduler.step(self.stats.steps) # reset gradients self.model.zero_grad() # increment step counter self.stats.steps += 1 if self.stats.steps >= self.args.max_updates: self.stats.is_max_update = True # log learning progress (only in the master process) if ( self.stats.steps % self.args.logging_freq == 0 and self.rank == 0 ): elapsed_time = time.time() - start - total_valid_duration total_train_duration += elapsed_time self._log_scores( epoch_no, elapsed_time, start_tokens, start_correct, total_batch_loss ) # restart counter start = time.time() start_tokens = self.stats.total_tokens start_correct = self.stats.total_correct total_valid_duration = 0 # increment statistics if self.rank == 0: epoch_loss += total_batch_loss # accumulate loss total_batch_loss = 0 # reset batch loss # validate on the entire dev set if self.stats.steps % self.args.validation_freq == 0: # valid_duration includes time for model saving etc. if self.rank == 0: valid_start_time = time.time() valid_data.seed = self.seed + self.stats.steps # set seed self._validate(valid_data) if self.rank == 0: total_valid_duration += time.time() - valid_start_time if ((self.stats.is_min_lr or self.stats.is_max_update) and self.rank == 0): # noqa: E129 break # break batch loop (TODO: DDP?) if ((self.stats.is_min_lr or self.stats.is_max_update) and self.rank == 0): # noqa: E129 log_str = ( f"minimum lr {self.args.learning_rate_min}" if self.stats.is_min_lr else f"maximum num. of updates {self.args.max_updates}" )"Training ended since %s was reached.", log_str) break # break epoch loop (TODO: DDP?) if self.rank == 0: total_train_duration += time.time() - start - total_valid_duration "Epoch %3d, total training loss: %.2f, " "num. of seqs: %d, num. of tokens: %d, %.4f[sec]", epoch_no, epoch_loss, epoch_nseqs, epoch_ntokens, total_train_duration ) else: # epoch loop did not encounter a `break` (neither min_lr nor max_update)"Training ended after %3d epochs.", epoch_no) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Interrupt at epoch %d, step %d.", epoch_no, self.stats.steps) # TODO: in DDP, need to kill all processes (?) else: # KeyboardInterrupt not triggered "Best validation result (greedy) at step %8d: %6.2f %s.", self.stats.best_ckpt_iter, self.stats.best_ckpt_score, self.args.early_stopping_metric ) finally: ddp_synchronize() # wait for all processes if self.rank == 0: self._save_checkpoint(False, float("nan")) # save current weights self.tb_writer.close() # close Tensorboard writer
def _train_step(self, batch: Batch) -> Tuple[float, int]: """ Train the model on one batch: Compute the loss. :param batch: training batch :return: - losses for batch (sum) - number of correct tokens for batch (sum) """ # reactivate training self.model.train() # sort batch now by src length batch.sort_by_src_length() with torch.autocast(**self.autocast): # get loss (run as during training with teacher forcing) batch_loss, _, _, correct_tokens = self.model( return_type="loss", **vars(batch) ) # normalize batch loss norm_batch_loss = batch.normalize( batch_loss, normalization=self.args.normalization, n_gpu=self.n_gpu, n_accumulation=self.args.batch_multiplier ) # sum over multiple gpus sum_correct_tokens = batch.normalize(correct_tokens, "sum", self.n_gpu) # accumulate gradients with self.model.no_sync() if use_ddp() else nullcontext(): if self.scaler is None: norm_batch_loss.backward() else: self.scaler.scale(norm_batch_loss).backward() # gather norm_batch_loss = ddp_reduce(norm_batch_loss).item() sum_correct_tokens = ddp_reduce(sum_correct_tokens).item() return norm_batch_loss, sum_correct_tokens def _validate(self, valid_data: Dataset) -> None: """Validation""" # run prediction on dev set prediction = predict( model=self.model, data=valid_data, compute_loss=True, device=self.device, rank=self.rank, n_gpu=self.n_gpu, normalization=self.args.normalization, args=self.dev_cfg, autocast=self.autocast, ) if self.rank == 0: # in the master process assert prediction is not None ( valid_scores, valid_references, valid_hypotheses, valid_hypotheses_raw, _, # valid_sequence_scores, valid_attention_scores, ) = prediction # write in tensorboard for eval_metric, score in valid_scores.items(): if not math.isnan(score): self.tb_writer.add_scalar( f"valid/{eval_metric}", score, self.stats.steps ) ckpt_score = valid_scores[self.args.early_stopping_metric] # TODO: need to update scheduler even when rank != 0 (?) if self.scheduler_step_at == "validation": self.scheduler.step(metrics=ckpt_score) # update new best new_best = self.stats.is_best(ckpt_score) if new_best: self.stats.best_ckpt_score = ckpt_score self.stats.best_ckpt_iter = self.stats.steps "Hooray! New best validation result [%s]!", self.args.early_stopping_metric, ) # save checkpoints is_better = ( self.stats.is_better(ckpt_score, self.ckpt_queue) if len(self.ckpt_queue) > 0 else True ) if self.args.keep_best_ckpts < 0 or is_better: self._save_checkpoint(new_best, ckpt_score) # append to validation report self._add_report(valid_scores=valid_scores, new_best=new_best) # log sample sentences self._log_examples( references=valid_references, hypotheses=valid_hypotheses, hypotheses_raw=valid_hypotheses_raw, data=valid_data, ) # store validation set outputs write_list_to_file( self.model_dir / f"{self.stats.steps}.hyps", valid_hypotheses ) # store attention plots for selected valid sentences if valid_attention_scores: store_attention_plots( attentions=valid_attention_scores, targets=valid_hypotheses_raw, sources=valid_data.get_list( lang=valid_data.src_lang, tokenized=True, subsampled=True ), indices=self.args.print_valid_sents, output_prefix=(self.model_dir / f"att.{self.stats.steps}").as_posix(), tb_writer=self.tb_writer, steps=self.stats.steps, ) def _add_report(self, valid_scores: dict, new_best: bool = False) -> None: """ Append a one-line report to validation logging file. :param valid_scores: validation evaluation score [eval_metric] :param new_best: whether this is a new best model """ current_lr = self.optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] valid_file = self.model_dir / "validations.txt" with"a", encoding="utf-8") as opened_file: score_str = "\t".join([f"Steps: {self.stats.steps}"] + [ f"{eval_metric}: {score:.5f}" for eval_metric, score in valid_scores.items() if not math.isnan(score) ] + [f"LR: {current_lr:.8f}", "*" if new_best else ""]) opened_file.write(f"{score_str}\n") def _log_examples( self, hypotheses: List[str], references: List[str], hypotheses_raw: List[List[str]], data: Dataset, ) -> None: """ Log the `print_valid_sents` sentences from given examples. :param hypotheses: decoded hypotheses (list of strings) :param references: decoded references (list of strings) :param hypotheses_raw: raw hypotheses (list of list of tokens) :param data: dev Dataset """ for p in self.args.print_valid_sents: if p >= len(hypotheses): continue"Example #%d", p) # detokenized text detokenized_src = data.tokenizer[data.src_lang].post_process(data.src[p])"\tSource: %s", detokenized_src)"\tReference: %s", references[p])"\tHypothesis: %s", hypotheses[p]) # tokenized text tokenized_src = data.tokenizer[data.src_lang](data.src[p], is_train=False) tokenized_trg = data.tokenizer[data.trg_lang](data.trg[p], is_train=False) logger.debug("\tTokenized source: %s", tokenized_src) logger.debug("\tTokenized reference: %s", tokenized_trg) logger.debug("\tTokenized hypothesis: %s", hypotheses_raw[p][:-1]) def _log_scores( self, epoch_no: int, elapsed_time: float, start_tokens: int, start_correct: int, total_batch_loss: float ) -> None: """Log training progress""" elapsed_tok = self.stats.total_tokens - start_tokens elapsed_correct = self.stats.total_correct - start_correct steps = self.stats.steps self.tb_writer.add_scalar("train/batch_loss", total_batch_loss, steps) self.tb_writer.add_scalar( "train/batch_acc", elapsed_correct / elapsed_tok, steps ) # check current_lr current_lr = self.optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] if current_lr < self.args.learning_rate_min: self.stats.is_min_lr = True self.tb_writer.add_scalar("train/learning_rate", current_lr, steps) "Epoch %3d, Step: %8d, Batch Loss: %12.6f, Batch Acc: %.6f, " "Tokens per Sec: %8.0f, Lr: %.6f", epoch_no, steps, total_batch_loss, elapsed_correct / elapsed_tok, elapsed_tok / elapsed_time, current_lr )
[docs] class TrainStatistics: """ Train Statistics :param epochs: epoch counter :param steps: global update step counter :param is_min_lr: stop by reaching learning rate minimum :param is_max_update: stop by reaching max num of updates :param total_tokens: number of total tokens seen so far :param best_ckpt_iter: store iteration point of best ckpt :param minimize_metric: minimize or maximize score :param total_correct: number of correct tokens seen so far """ def __init__(self, minimize_metric: bool = True) -> None: self.epochs = 1 self.steps = 0 self.is_min_lr = False self.is_max_update = False self.total_tokens = 0 self.best_ckpt_iter = 0 self.minimize_metric = minimize_metric self.best_ckpt_score = float('inf') if minimize_metric else float('-inf') self.total_correct = 0
[docs] def is_best(self, score) -> bool: if self.minimize_metric: is_best = score < self.best_ckpt_score else: is_best = score > self.best_ckpt_score return is_best
[docs] def is_better(self, score: float, heap_queue: list) -> bool: assert len(heap_queue) > 0 if self.minimize_metric: is_better = score < heapq.nlargest(1, heap_queue)[0][0] else: is_better = score > heapq.nsmallest(1, heap_queue)[0][0] return is_better
[docs] def state_dict(self) -> Dict: """Returns a dictionary of values necessary to reconstruct stats""" return { "epochs": self.epochs, "steps": self.steps, "total_tokens": self.total_tokens, "total_correct": self.total_correct, "best_ckpt_score": self.best_ckpt_score, "best_ckpt_iter": self.best_ckpt_iter, }
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Dict) -> None: """Given a state_dict, this function reconstruct the state""" self.epochs = state_dict["epochs"] self.steps = state_dict["steps"] self.total_tokens = state_dict["total_tokens"] self.total_correct = state_dict["total_correct"] self.best_ckpt_score = state_dict["best_ckpt_score"] self.best_ckpt_iter = state_dict["best_ckpt_iter"]
[docs] def train(rank: int, world_size: int, cfg: Dict, skip_test: bool = False) -> None: """ Main training function. After training, also test on test data if given. :param rank: ddp local rank :param world_size: ddp world size :param cfg: configuration dict :param skip_test: whether a test should be run or not after training """ if cfg.pop("use_ddp", False): # initialize ddp # TODO: make `master_addr` and `master_port` configurable ddp_setup(rank, world_size, master_addr="localhost", master_port=12355) # need to assign file handlers again, after multi-processes are spawned... get_logger(__name__, log_file=Path(cfg["model_dir"]) / "train.log") # write all entries of config to the log log_config(cfg) # parse args args = parse_global_args(cfg, rank=rank, mode="train") # prepare model and datasets model, train_data, dev_data, test_data = prepare(args, rank=rank, mode="train") dev_args = set_validation_args(args.test) # for training management, e.g. early stopping and model selection trainer = TrainManager( model=model, model_dir=args.model_dir, device=args.device, n_gpu=args.n_gpu, rank=rank, num_workers=args.num_workers, autocast=args.autocast, seed=args.seed, train_args=args.train, dev_args=dev_args ) # train the model trainer.train_and_validate(train_data=train_data, valid_data=dev_data) if not skip_test: ddp_synchronize() # wait for all processes # predict with the best model on validation and test # (if test data is available) # load model checkpoint ckpt = args.model_dir / "best.ckpt" # or from args.test.load_model? map_location = {"cuda:0": f"cuda:{rank}"} if use_ddp() else args.device model_checkpoint = load_checkpoint(ckpt, map_location=map_location) model.load_state_dict(model_checkpoint["model_state"]) prepared = {"dev": dev_data, "test": test_data, "model": model} test( cfg=cfg, output_path=(args.model_dir / f"{ckpt.stem}.hyps").as_posix(), prepared=prepared, ) else:"Skipping test after training.") ddp_cleanup()