Command-line Interface#

Joey NMT has 3 modes: train, test, and translate, and all of them takes a YAML-style config file as argument. You can find examples in the configs directory. transformer_small.yaml contains a detailed explanation of configuration options.

Most importantly, the configuration contains the description of the model architecture (e.g. number of hidden units in the encoder RNN), paths to the training, development and test data, and the training hyperparameters (learning rate, validation frequency etc.).


Note that subword model training and joint vocabulary creation is not included in the 3 modes above, has to be done separately. We provide a script that takes care of it:

python scripts/ configs/transformer_small.yaml --joint

train mode#

For training, run

python -m joeynmt train configs/transformer_small.yaml

This will train a model on the training data, validate on validation data, and store model parameters, vocabularies, validation outputs. All needed information should be specified in the data, training and model sections of the config file (here transformer_small.yaml).

├── *.ckpt          # checkpoints
├── *.hyps          # translated texts at validation
├── config.yaml     # config file
├── spm.model       # sentencepiece model / subword-nmt codes file
├── src_vocab.txt   # src vocab
├── trg_vocab.txt   # trg vocab
├── train.log       # train log
└── validation.txt  # validation scores


Be careful not to overwrite model_dir; set overwrite: False in the config file.

test mode#

This mode will generate translations for validation and test set (as specified in the configuration) in model_dir/out.[dev|test].

python -m joeynmt test configs/transformer_small.yaml

You can specify the ckpt path explicitly in the config file. If load_model is not given in the config, the best model in model_dir will be used to generate translations.

You can specify i.e. sacrebleu options in the test section of the config file.

Note will generate averaged checkpoints for you.

python scripts/ --inputs model_dir/*00.ckpt --output model_dir/avg.ckpt

If you want to output the log-probabilities of the hypotheses or references, you can specify return_score: 'hyp' or return_score: 'ref' in the testing section of the config. And run test with --output-path and --save-scores options.

python -m joeynmt test configs/transformer_small.yaml --output-path model_dir/pred --save-scores

This will generate model_dir/pred.{dev|test}.{scores|tokens} which contains scores and corresponding tokens.


  • If you set return_score: 'hyp' with greedy decoding, then token-wise scores will be returned. The beam search will return sequence-level scores, because the scores are summed up per sequence during beam exploration.

  • If you set return_score: 'ref', the model looks up the probabilities of the given ground truth tokens, and both decoding and evaluation will be skipped.

  • If you specify n_best > 1 in config, the first translation in the nbest list will be used in the evaluation.

translate mode#

This mode accepts inputs from stdin and generate translations.

File translation#

python -m joeynmt translate configs/transformer_small.yaml < my_input.txt > output.txt

Interactive translation#

python -m joeynmt translate configs/transformer_small.yaml

You’ll be prompted to type an input sentence. Joey NMT will then translate with the model specified in the config file.