Welcome to Joey NMT’s documentation!#

Goals & Purposes#

Joey NMT framework is developed for educational purposes. It aims to be a clean and minimalistic code base to help novices find fast answers to the following questions.

  • How to implement classic NMT architectures (RNN and Transformer) in PyTorch?

  • What are the building blocks of these architectures and how do they interact?

  • How to modify these blocks (e.g. deeper, wider, …)?

  • How to modify the training procedure (e.g. add a regularizer)?

In contrast to other NMT frameworks, we will not aim for the most recent features or speed through engineering or training tricks since this often goes in hand with an increase in code complexity and a decrease in readability.

However, Joey NMT re-implements baselines from major publications.


Joey NMT implements the following features (aka the minimalist toolkit of NMT):

  • Recurrent Encoder-Decoder with GRUs or LSTMs

  • Transformer Encoder-Decoder

  • Attention Types: MLP, Dot, Multi-Head, Bilinear

  • Word-, BPE- and character-based tokenization

  • BLEU, ChrF evaluation

  • Beam search with length penalty and greedy decoding

  • Customizable initialization

  • Attention visualization

  • Learning curve plotting

  • Scoring hypotheses and references

  • Multilingual translation with language tags