Source code for joeynmt.config

# coding: utf-8
Module for configuration

This can only be a temporary solution.
TODO: Consider better configuration and validation
from pathlib import Path
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional

import torch
import yaml
from torch.multiprocessing import cpu_count

from joeynmt.helpers_for_ddp import get_logger, use_ddp

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class ConfigurationError(Exception): """Custom exception for misspecifications of configuration"""
TrainConfig = NamedTuple( "TrainConfig", [ ("load_model", Optional[Path]), ("load_encoder", Optional[Path]), ("load_decoder", Optional[Path]), ("loss", str), ("normalization", str), ("label_smoothing", float), ("optimizer", str), ("adam_betas", List[float]), ("learning_rate", float), ("learning_rate_min", float), ("learning_rate_factor", int), ("learning_rate_warmup", int), ("scheduling", Optional[str]), ("patience", int), ("decrease_factor", float), ("weight_decay", float), ("clip_grad_norm", Optional[float]), ("clip_grad_val", Optional[float]), ("keep_best_ckpts", int), ("logging_freq", int), ("validation_freq", int), ("print_valid_sents", List[int]), ("early_stopping_metric", str), ("minimize_metric", bool), ("shuffle", bool), ("epochs", int), ("max_updates", int), ("batch_size", int), ("batch_type", str), ("batch_multiplier", int), ("reset_best_ckpt", bool), ("reset_scheduler", bool), ("reset_optimizer", bool), ("reset_iter_state", bool), ], ) TestConfig = NamedTuple( "TestConfig", [ ("load_model", Optional[Path]), ("batch_size", int), ("batch_type", str), ("max_output_length", int), ("min_output_length", int), ("eval_metrics", List[str]), ("sacrebleu_cfg", Optional[Dict]), ("beam_size", int), ("beam_alpha", int), ("n_best", int), ("return_attention", bool), ("return_prob", str), ("generate_unk", bool), ("repetition_penalty", float), ("no_repeat_ngram_size", int), ], ) BaseConfig = NamedTuple( "BaseConfig", [ ("name", str), ("joeynmt_version", Optional[str]), ("model_dir", Path), ("device", torch.device), ("n_gpu", int), ("num_workers", int), ("autocast", Dict), ("seed", int), ("train", TrainConfig), ("test", TestConfig), ("data", Dict), # TODO: validate ("model", Dict), # TODO: validate ], ) def _check_path(path: str, allow_empty: bool = True) -> Path: """check if given path exists""" if path is not None: path = Path(path).absolute() if not allow_empty: assert path.exists(), f"{path} not found." return path def _check_options(name: str, choice: Any, valid_options: List[Any]) -> None: """check if given choice is valid""" if choice not in valid_options: valids = "{" + ", ".join([f"`{option}`" for option in valid_options]) + "}" raise ConfigurationError( f"Invalid setting for `{name}`. " f"Valid choices: {valids}." ) def _check_special_symbols(special_symbols: Dict) -> Dict: special_symbols["unk_id"] = special_symbols.get("unk_id", 0) special_symbols["unk_token"] = special_symbols.get("unk_token", "<unk>") special_symbols["pad_id"] = special_symbols.get("pad_id", 1) special_symbols["pad_token"] = special_symbols.get("pad_token", "<pad>") special_symbols["bos_id"] = special_symbols.get("bos_id", 2) special_symbols["bos_token"] = special_symbols.get("bos_token", "<s>") special_symbols["eos_id"] = special_symbols.get("eos_id", 3) special_symbols["eos_token"] = special_symbols.get("eos_token", "</s>") special_symbols["sep_id"] = special_symbols.get("sep_id", None) special_symbols["sep_token"] = special_symbols.get("sep_token", None) special_symbols["lang_tags"] = special_symbols.get("lang_tags", []) return special_symbols
[docs] def log_config(cfg: Dict, prefix: str = "cfg") -> None: """ Print configuration to console log. :param cfg: configuration to log :param prefix: prefix for logging """ for k, v in cfg.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): p = ".".join([prefix, k]) log_config(v, prefix=p) else: p = ".".join([prefix, k])"%34s : %s", p, v)
[docs] def load_config(cfg_file: str = "configs/default.yaml") -> Dict: """ Loads and parses a YAML configuration file. :param cfg_file: path to YAML configuration file :return: configuration dictionary """ cfg_file = _check_path(cfg_file, allow_empty=False) with"r", encoding="utf-8") as ymlfile: cfg = yaml.safe_load(ymlfile) # for backwards compatibility if "model_dir" not in cfg: cfg["model_dir"] = cfg["training"]["model_dir"] return cfg
[docs] def parse_global_args( cfg: Dict = None, rank: int = 0, mode: str = "train" ) -> BaseConfig: """ Parse and validate global args :param cfg: config specified in yaml file :param rank: :param mode: """ # gpu / cpu use_cuda = cfg.get("use_cuda", cfg["training"].get("use_cuda", True)) if use_cuda and (not torch.cuda.is_available()): logger.warning("CUDA is not available. Use cpu device.") use_cuda = False if use_cuda: device = torch.device("cuda", rank) if use_ddp() else torch.device("cuda") else: device = torch.device("cpu") n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count() if use_cuda else 0 num_workers = cfg.get("num_workers", cfg["training"].get("num_workers", 0)) if num_workers > 0: num_workers = min(cpu_count(), num_workers) if mode == "translate" and n_gpu > 1: raise RuntimeError( "Currently, translate mode is only available on CPU or single GPU." ) # normalization normalization = cfg.get("normalization", "batch").lower() _check_options("normalization", normalization, ["batch", "tokens", "none"]) # fp16 fp16 = cfg.get("fp16", False) if device.type == "cpu" and fp16: logger.warning( "On cpu, half-precision training may raise an error. Disable fp16." ) fp16 = False autocast = {"device_type": device.type, "enabled": fp16} if fp16: autocast["dtype"] = torch.float16 # TODO: torch.bfloat16 for cpu? # special symbols _special_symbols = cfg["data"].get("special_symbols", {}) if isinstance(_special_symbols, dict): _special_symbols = _check_special_symbols(_special_symbols) cfg["data"]["special_symbols"] = SimpleNamespace(**_special_symbols) assert isinstance(cfg["data"]["special_symbols"], SimpleNamespace) return BaseConfig( name=cfg["name"], joeynmt_version=cfg.get("joeynmt_version", "2.3.0"), model_dir=_check_path(cfg["model_dir"]), device=device, n_gpu=n_gpu, num_workers=num_workers, autocast=autocast, seed=cfg.get("random_seed", 42), train=parse_train_args(cfg["training"], mode), test=parse_test_args(cfg["testing"], mode), data=cfg["data"], # TODO: parse and validate DataConfig model=cfg["model"], # TODO: parse and validate ModelConfig )
[docs] def parse_train_args(cfg: Dict = None, mode: str = "train") -> TrainConfig: """ Parse and validate train args :param cfg: `training` section in config yaml :param mode: """ # normalization normalization = cfg.get("normalization", "batch").lower() _check_options("normalization", normalization, ["batch", "tokens", "none"]) # objective loss_type = cfg.get("loss", "crossentropy") _check_options("loss", loss_type, ["crossentropy"]) # save/delete checkpoints keep_best_ckpts = int(cfg.get("keep_best_ckpts", 5)) _keep_last_ckpts = cfg.get("keep_last_ckpts", None) if _keep_last_ckpts is not None: # backward compatibility keep_best_ckpts = _keep_last_ckpts logger.warning( "`keep_last_ckpts` option is outdated. " "Please use `keep_best_ckpts`, instead." ) # early stopping early_stopping_metric = cfg.get("early_stopping_metric", "ppl").lower() _check_options( "early_stopping_metric", early_stopping_metric, ["acc", "loss", "ppl", "bleu", "chrf"] ) # early_stopping_metric decides on how to find the early stopping point: ckpts # are written when there's a new high/low score for this metric. If we schedule # after loss/ppl, we want to minimize the score, else we want to maximize it. if early_stopping_metric in ["ppl", "loss"]: # lower is better minimize_metric = True elif early_stopping_metric in ["acc", "bleu", "chrf"]: # higher is better minimize_metric = False # batch handling batch_type = cfg.get("batch_type", "sentence").lower() _check_options("batch_type", batch_type, ["sentence", "token"]) if use_ddp(): assert batch_type == "sentence", ( "Token-based batch sampling is not supported in distributed learning. " "Please specify batch size based on the num. of sentences." ) # logging logging_freq = cfg.get("logging_freq", 100) validation_freq = cfg.get("validation_freq", 1000) if logging_freq > validation_freq: raise ConfigurationError( "`logging_freq` must be smaller than `validation_freq`." ) if validation_freq % logging_freq != 0: raise ConfigurationError( "`validation_freq` must be divisible by `logging_freq`." ) is_test = mode != "train" return TrainConfig( load_model=_check_path(cfg.get("load_model", None), allow_empty=is_test), load_encoder=_check_path(cfg.get("load_encoder", None), allow_empty=is_test), load_decoder=_check_path(cfg.get("load_decoder", None), allow_empty=is_test), normalization=normalization, loss=loss_type, label_smoothing=cfg.get("label_smoothing", 0.0), optimizer=cfg.get("optimizer", "adam").lower(), adam_betas=cfg.get("adam_betas", [0.9, 0.999]), learning_rate=cfg.get("learning_rate", 0.005), learning_rate_min=cfg.get("learning_rate_min", 0.0001), learning_rate_factor=cfg.get("learning_rate_factor", 1), learning_rate_warmup=cfg.get("learning_rate_warmup", 4000), scheduling=cfg.get("scheduling", None), # constant patience=cfg.get("patience", 5), decrease_factor=cfg.get("decrease_factor", 0.5), weight_decay=cfg.get("weight_decay", 0.0), clip_grad_norm=cfg.get("clip_grad_norm", None), clip_grad_val=cfg.get("clip_grad_val", None), keep_best_ckpts=keep_best_ckpts, logging_freq=logging_freq, validation_freq=validation_freq, print_valid_sents=cfg.get("print_valid_sents", [0, 1, 2]), early_stopping_metric=early_stopping_metric, minimize_metric=minimize_metric, shuffle=cfg.get("shuffle", True), epochs=cfg.get("epochs", 3), max_updates=cfg.get("updates", float('inf')), batch_size=cfg["batch_size"], batch_type=batch_type, batch_multiplier=cfg.get("batch_multiplier", 1), reset_best_ckpt=cfg.get("reset_best_ckpt", False), reset_scheduler=cfg.get("reset_scheduler", False), reset_optimizer=cfg.get("reset_optimizer", False), reset_iter_state=cfg.get("reset_iter_state", False), )
[docs] def parse_test_args(cfg: Dict = None, mode: str = "test") -> TestConfig: """ Parse and validate test args :param cfg: `testing` section in config yaml :param mode: """ # batch options batch_size = cfg.get("batch_size", 64) batch_type = cfg.get("batch_type", "sentence").lower() _check_options("batch_type", batch_type, ["sentence", "token"]) if batch_size > 1000 and batch_type == "sentence": logger.warning( "WARNING: Are you sure you meant to work on huge batches like this? " "`batch_size` is > 1000 for sentence-batching. Consider decreasing it " "or switching to `batch_type: 'token'`." ) # eval metrics if "eval_metrics" in cfg: eval_metrics = [s.strip().lower() for s in cfg["eval_metrics"]] elif "eval_metric" in cfg: eval_metrics = [cfg["eval_metric"].strip().lower()] logger.warning( "`eval_metric` option is obsolete. Please use `eval_metrics`, instead." ) else: eval_metrics = [] for eval_metric in eval_metrics: _check_options( "eval_metric", eval_metric, ["bleu", "chrf", "token_accuracy", "sequence_accuracy"] ) # sacrebleu cfg sacrebleu_cfg: Dict = cfg.get("sacrebleu_cfg", {}) if "sacrebleu" in cfg: sacrebleu_cfg: Dict = cfg["sacrebleu"] logger.warning( "`sacrebleu` option is obsolete. Please use `sacrebleu_cfg`, instead." ) # beam search options n_best = cfg.get("n_best", 1) if n_best < 1: raise ConfigurationError("N-best size must be > 0.") beam_size = cfg.get("beam_size", 1) if beam_size < 1: raise ConfigurationError("Beam size must be > 0.") if n_best > beam_size: raise ConfigurationError( "`n_best` must be smaller than or equal to `beam_size`." ) beam_alpha = cfg.get("beam_alpha", -1) if "alpha" in cfg: beam_alpha = cfg["alpha"] logger.warning("`alpha` option is obsolete. Please use `beam_alpha`, instead.") # generation control return_prob = cfg.get("return_prob", "none") _check_options("return_prob", return_prob, ["hyp", "ref", "none"]) repetition_penalty: float = cfg.get("repetition_penalty", -1) if 0 < repetition_penalty < 1: raise ConfigurationError( "Repetition penalty must be > 1. (-1 indicates no repetition penalty.)" ) return TestConfig( load_model=_check_path( cfg.get("load_model", None), allow_empty=mode == "train" ), batch_size=batch_size, batch_type=batch_type, max_output_length=cfg.get("max_output_length", -1), min_output_length=cfg.get("min_output_length", 1), eval_metrics=eval_metrics, sacrebleu_cfg=sacrebleu_cfg, beam_size=beam_size, beam_alpha=beam_alpha, n_best=n_best, return_attention=cfg.get("return_attention", False), return_prob=return_prob, generate_unk=cfg.get("generate_unk", True), repetition_penalty=repetition_penalty, no_repeat_ngram_size=cfg.get("no_repeat_ngram_size", -1), )
[docs] def set_validation_args(args: TestConfig) -> TestConfig: """ Config for validation :param args: `testing` section in config yaml """ if use_ddp(): assert args.batch_type == "sentence", ( "Token-based batch sampling is not supported in distributed learning. " "Please specify batch size based on the num. of sentences." ) args = args._replace( beam_size=1, # greedy decoding during train loop n_best=1, # no further exploration during training return_attention=False, return_prob="none", generate_unk=True, repetition_penalty=-1, # turn off no_repeat_ngram_size=-1, # turn off ) return args