Source code for joeynmt.batch

# coding: utf-8
Implementation of a mini-batch.
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import Tensor

from joeynmt.helpers import adjust_mask_size
from joeynmt.helpers_for_ddp import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class Batch: """ Object for holding a batch of data with mask during training. Input is yielded from `collate_fn()` called by """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( self, src: Tensor, src_length: Tensor, src_prompt_mask: Optional[Tensor], trg: Optional[Tensor], trg_prompt_mask: Optional[Tensor], indices: Tensor, device: torch.device, pad_index: int, eos_index: int, is_train: bool = True, ): """ Creates a new joey batch. This batch supports attributes with src and trg length, masks, number of non-padded tokens in trg. Furthermore, it can be sorted by src length. :param src: shape (batch_size, max_src_len) :param src_length: shape (batch_size,) :param src_prompt_mask: shape (batch_size, max_src_len) :param trg: shape (batch_size, max_trg_len) :param trg_prompt_mask: shape (batch_size, max_trg_len) :param device: :param pad_index: *must be the same for both src and trg :param eos_index: :param is_train: *can be used for online data augmentation, subsampling etc. """ self.src: Tensor = src self.src_length: Tensor = src_length self.src_mask: Tensor = (self.src != pad_index).unsqueeze(1) self.src_prompt_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None # equivalent to `token_type_ids` self.trg_input: Optional[Tensor] = None self.trg: Optional[Tensor] = None self.trg_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None self.trg_prompt_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None self.indices: Tensor = indices self.nseqs: int = src.size(0) self.ntokens: Optional[Tensor] = None self.has_trg: bool = trg is not None self.is_train: bool = is_train if src_prompt_mask is not None: self.src_prompt_mask = src_prompt_mask if self.has_trg: # trg_input is used for teacher forcing, last one (EOS) is cut off has_eos = torch.any(trg == eos_index).item() # true in training trg_input = torch.where(trg == eos_index, pad_index, trg) self.trg_input: Tensor = trg_input[:, :-1] if has_eos else trg_input # trg is used for loss computation, shifted by one since BOS self.trg: Tensor = trg[:, 1:] # trg: shape (batch_size, trg_len) # we exclude the padded areas (and blank areas) from the loss computation # `trg_mask` shape (batch_size, 1, trg_len); passed to attention layers self.trg_mask: Tensor = (self.trg != pad_index).unsqueeze(1) self.ntokens: int = self.trg_mask.sum().item() if trg_prompt_mask is not None: self.trg_prompt_mask = adjust_mask_size( trg_prompt_mask, self.nseqs, self.trg_input.size(1) ) if device.type == "cuda": self._make_cuda(device) # a batch has to contain more than one src sentence assert self.nseqs > 0, self.nseqs def _make_cuda(self, device: torch.device) -> None: """Move the batch to GPU""" self.src = self.src_length = self.src_mask = self.indices = if self.src_prompt_mask is not None: self.src_prompt_mask = if self.has_trg: self.trg_input = self.trg = self.trg_mask = if self.trg_prompt_mask is not None: self.trg_prompt_mask =
[docs] def normalize( self, tensor: Tensor, normalization: str = "none", n_gpu: int = 1, n_accumulation: int = 1, ) -> Tensor: """ Normalizes batch tensor (i.e. loss). Takes sum over multiple gpus, divides by nseqs or ntokens, divide by n_gpu, then divide by n_accumulation. :param tensor: (Tensor) tensor to normalize, i.e. batch loss :param normalization: (str) one of {`batch`, `tokens`, `none`} :param n_gpu: (int) the number of gpus :param n_accumulation: (int) the number of gradient accumulation :return: normalized tensor """ if tensor is None: return None assert torch.is_tensor(tensor), tensor if n_gpu > 1: tensor = tensor.sum() if normalization == "sum": # pylint: disable=no-else-return return tensor elif normalization == "batch": normalizer = self.nseqs elif normalization == "tokens": normalizer = self.ntokens elif normalization == "none": normalizer = 1 norm_tensor = tensor / normalizer if n_gpu > 1: norm_tensor = norm_tensor / n_gpu if n_accumulation > 1: norm_tensor = norm_tensor / n_accumulation return norm_tensor
[docs] def sort_by_src_length(self) -> List[int]: """ Sort by src length (descending) and return index to revert sort :return: list of indices """ _, perm_index = self.src_length.sort(0, descending=True) rev_index = [0] * perm_index.size(0) for new_pos, old_pos in enumerate(perm_index.cpu().numpy()): rev_index[old_pos] = new_pos self.src = self.src[perm_index] self.src_length = self.src_length[perm_index] self.src_mask = self.src_mask[perm_index] self.indices = self.indices[perm_index] if self.src_prompt_mask is not None: self.src_prompt_mask = self.src_prompt_mask[perm_index] if self.has_trg: self.trg_input = self.trg_input[perm_index] self.trg_mask = self.trg_mask[perm_index] self.trg = self.trg[perm_index] if self.trg_prompt_mask is not None: self.trg_prompt_mask = self.trg_prompt_mask[perm_index] assert max(rev_index) < len(rev_index), rev_index return rev_index
[docs] @staticmethod def score(log_probs: Tensor, trg: Tensor, pad_index: int) -> np.ndarray: """Look up the score of the trg token (ground truth) in the batch""" assert log_probs.size(0) == trg.size(0) scores = [] for i in range(log_probs.size(0)): scores.append( np.array([ log_probs[i, j, ind].item() for j, ind in enumerate(trg[i]) if ind != pad_index ]) ) # Note: each element in `scores` list can have different lengths. return np.array(scores, dtype=object)
def __repr__(self) -> str: nseqs = self.nseqs.item() if torch.is_tensor(self.nseqs) else self.nseqs ntokens = self.ntokens.item() if torch.is_tensor(self.ntokens) else self.ntokens return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(nseqs={nseqs}, ntokens={ntokens}, " f"has_trg={self.has_trg}, is_train={self.is_train})" )