Source code for joeynmt.vocabulary

# coding: utf-8

Vocabulary module
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from typing import List
import numpy as np

from import Dataset

from joeynmt.constants import UNK_TOKEN, DEFAULT_UNK_ID, \

[docs]class Vocabulary: """ Vocabulary represents mapping between tokens and indices. """ def __init__(self, tokens: List[str] = None, file: str = None) -> None: """ Create vocabulary from list of tokens or file. Special tokens are added if not already in file or list. File format: token with index i is in line i. :param tokens: list of tokens :param file: file to load vocabulary from """ # don't rename stoi and itos since needed for torchtext # warning: stoi grows with unknown tokens, don't use for saving or size # special symbols self.specials = [UNK_TOKEN, PAD_TOKEN, BOS_TOKEN, EOS_TOKEN] self.stoi = defaultdict(DEFAULT_UNK_ID) self.itos = [] if tokens is not None: self._from_list(tokens) elif file is not None: self._from_file(file) def _from_list(self, tokens: List[str] = None) -> None: """ Make vocabulary from list of tokens. Tokens are assumed to be unique and pre-selected. Special symbols are added if not in list. :param tokens: list of tokens """ self.add_tokens(tokens=self.specials+tokens) assert len(self.stoi) == len(self.itos) def _from_file(self, file: str) -> None: """ Make vocabulary from contents of file. File format: token with index i is in line i. :param file: path to file where the vocabulary is loaded from """ tokens = [] with open(file, "r") as open_file: for line in open_file: tokens.append(line.strip("\n")) self._from_list(tokens) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.stoi.__str__()
[docs] def to_file(self, file: str) -> None: """ Save the vocabulary to a file, by writing token with index i in line i. :param file: path to file where the vocabulary is written """ with open(file, "w") as open_file: for t in self.itos: open_file.write("{}\n".format(t))
[docs] def add_tokens(self, tokens: List[str]) -> None: """ Add list of tokens to vocabulary :param tokens: list of tokens to add to the vocabulary """ for t in tokens: new_index = len(self.itos) # add to vocab if not already there if t not in self.itos: self.itos.append(t) self.stoi[t] = new_index
[docs] def is_unk(self, token: str) -> bool: """ Check whether a token is covered by the vocabulary :param token: :return: True if covered, False otherwise """ return self.stoi[token] == DEFAULT_UNK_ID()
def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.itos)
[docs] def array_to_sentence(self, array: np.array, cut_at_eos=True, skip_pad=True) -> List[str]: """ Converts an array of IDs to a sentence, optionally cutting the result off at the end-of-sequence token. :param array: 1D array containing indices :param cut_at_eos: cut the decoded sentences at the first <eos> :param skip_pad: skip generated <pad> tokens :return: list of strings (tokens) """ sentence = [] for i in array: s = self.itos[i] if cut_at_eos and s == EOS_TOKEN: break if skip_pad and s == PAD_TOKEN: continue sentence.append(s) return sentence
[docs] def arrays_to_sentences(self, arrays: np.array, cut_at_eos=True, skip_pad=True) -> List[List[str]]: """ Convert multiple arrays containing sequences of token IDs to their sentences, optionally cutting them off at the end-of-sequence token. :param arrays: 2D array containing indices :param cut_at_eos: cut the decoded sentences at the first <eos> :param skip_pad: skip generated <pad> tokens :return: list of list of strings (tokens) """ sentences = [] for array in arrays: sentences.append( self.array_to_sentence(array=array, cut_at_eos=cut_at_eos, skip_pad=skip_pad)) return sentences
[docs]def build_vocab(field: str, max_size: int, min_freq: int, dataset: Dataset, vocab_file: str = None) -> Vocabulary: """ Builds vocabulary for a torchtext `field` from given`dataset` or `vocab_file`. :param field: attribute e.g. "src" :param max_size: maximum size of vocabulary :param min_freq: minimum frequency for an item to be included :param dataset: dataset to load data for field from :param vocab_file: file to store the vocabulary, if not None, load vocabulary from here :return: Vocabulary created from either `dataset` or `vocab_file` """ if vocab_file is not None: # load it from file vocab = Vocabulary(file=vocab_file) else: # create newly def filter_min(counter: Counter, min_freq: int): """ Filter counter by min frequency """ filtered_counter = Counter({t: c for t, c in counter.items() if c >= min_freq}) return filtered_counter def sort_and_cut(counter: Counter, limit: int): """ Cut counter to most frequent, sorted numerically and alphabetically""" # sort by frequency, then alphabetically tokens_and_frequencies = sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda tup: tup[0]) tokens_and_frequencies.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True) vocab_tokens = [i[0] for i in tokens_and_frequencies[:limit]] return vocab_tokens tokens = [] for i in dataset.examples: if field == "src": tokens.extend(i.src) elif field == "trg": tokens.extend(i.trg) counter = Counter(tokens) if min_freq > -1: counter = filter_min(counter, min_freq) vocab_tokens = sort_and_cut(counter, max_size) assert len(vocab_tokens) <= max_size vocab = Vocabulary(tokens=vocab_tokens) assert len(vocab) <= max_size + len(vocab.specials) assert vocab.itos[DEFAULT_UNK_ID()] == UNK_TOKEN # check for all except for UNK token whether they are OOVs for s in vocab.specials[1:]: assert not vocab.is_unk(s) return vocab