Source code for joeynmt.prediction

# coding: utf-8
This modules holds methods for generating predictions from a model.
import os
import sys
from typing import List, Optional
import logging
import numpy as np

import torch
from import Dataset, Field

from joeynmt.helpers import bpe_postprocess, load_config, make_logger,\
    get_latest_checkpoint, load_checkpoint, store_attention_plots
from joeynmt.metrics import bleu, chrf, token_accuracy, sequence_accuracy
from joeynmt.model import build_model, Model, _DataParallel
from import run_batch
from joeynmt.batch import Batch
from import load_data, make_data_iter, MonoDataset
from joeynmt.constants import UNK_TOKEN, PAD_TOKEN, EOS_TOKEN
from joeynmt.vocabulary import Vocabulary

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,no-member,too-many-branches
[docs]def validate_on_data(model: Model, data: Dataset, batch_size: int, use_cuda: bool, max_output_length: int, level: str, eval_metric: Optional[str], n_gpu: int, batch_class: Batch = Batch, compute_loss: bool = False, beam_size: int = 1, beam_alpha: int = -1, batch_type: str = "sentence", postprocess: bool = True, bpe_type: str = "subword-nmt", sacrebleu: dict = None, n_best: int = 1) \ -> (float, float, float, List[str], List[List[str]], List[str], List[str], List[List[str]], List[np.array]): """ Generate translations for the given data. If `compute_loss` is True and references are given, also compute the loss. :param model: model module :param data: dataset for validation :param batch_size: validation batch size :param batch_class: class type of batch :param use_cuda: if True, use CUDA :param max_output_length: maximum length for generated hypotheses :param level: segmentation level, one of "char", "bpe", "word" :param eval_metric: evaluation metric, e.g. "bleu" :param n_gpu: number of GPUs :param compute_loss: whether to computes a scalar loss for given inputs and targets :param beam_size: beam size for validation. If <2 then greedy decoding (default). :param beam_alpha: beam search alpha for length penalty, disabled if set to -1 (default). :param batch_type: validation batch type (sentence or token) :param postprocess: if True, remove BPE segmentation from translations :param bpe_type: bpe type, one of {"subword-nmt", "sentencepiece"} :param sacrebleu: sacrebleu options :param n_best: Amount of candidates to return :return: - current_valid_score: current validation score [eval_metric], - valid_loss: validation loss, - valid_ppl:, validation perplexity, - valid_sources: validation sources, - valid_sources_raw: raw validation sources (before post-processing), - valid_references: validation references, - valid_hypotheses: validation_hypotheses, - decoded_valid: raw validation hypotheses (before post-processing), - valid_attention_scores: attention scores for validation hypotheses """ assert batch_size >= n_gpu, "batch_size must be bigger than n_gpu." if sacrebleu is None: # assign default value sacrebleu = {"remove_whitespace": True, "tokenize": "13a"} if batch_size > 1000 and batch_type == "sentence": logger.warning( "WARNING: Are you sure you meant to work on huge batches like " "this? 'batch_size' is > 1000 for sentence-batching. " "Consider decreasing it or switching to" " 'eval_batch_type: token'.") valid_iter = make_data_iter( dataset=data, batch_size=batch_size, batch_type=batch_type, shuffle=False, train=False) valid_sources_raw = data.src pad_index = model.src_vocab.stoi[PAD_TOKEN] # disable dropout model.eval() # don't track gradients during validation with torch.no_grad(): all_outputs = [] valid_attention_scores = [] total_loss = 0 total_ntokens = 0 total_nseqs = 0 for valid_batch in iter(valid_iter): # run as during training to get validation loss (e.g. xent) batch = batch_class(valid_batch, pad_index, use_cuda=use_cuda) # sort batch now by src length and keep track of order reverse_indexes = batch.sort_by_src_length() sort_reverse_index = [[] for _ in range(len(reverse_indexes))] for i, ix in enumerate(reverse_indexes): for n in range(0, n_best): sort_reverse_index[i].append(ix + n) assert len(sort_reverse_index) == len(data) # run as during training with teacher forcing if compute_loss and batch.trg is not None: batch_loss, _, _, _ = model(return_type="loss", **vars(batch)) if n_gpu > 1: batch_loss = batch_loss.mean() # average on multi-gpu total_loss += batch_loss total_ntokens += batch.ntokens total_nseqs += batch.nseqs # run as during inference to produce translations output, attention_scores = run_batch( model=model, batch=batch, beam_size=beam_size, beam_alpha=beam_alpha, max_output_length=max_output_length, n_best=n_best) # sort outputs back to original order for reverse_index in sort_reverse_index: all_outputs.append(output[reverse_index]) valid_attention_scores.append( attention_scores[reverse_index] if attention_scores is not None else []) assert len(all_outputs) == len(data) if compute_loss and total_ntokens > 0: # total validation loss valid_loss = total_loss # exponent of token-level negative log prob valid_ppl = torch.exp(total_loss / total_ntokens) else: valid_loss = -1 valid_ppl = -1 # decode back to symbols decoded_valid = model.trg_vocab.arrays_to_sentences( arrays=[output for output_group in all_outputs for output in output_group], cut_at_eos=True ) # evaluate with metric on full dataset join_char = " " if level in ["word", "bpe"] else "" valid_sources = [join_char.join(s) for s in data.src] valid_references = [join_char.join(t) for t in data.trg] valid_hypotheses = [join_char.join(t) for t in decoded_valid] # post-process if level == "bpe" and postprocess: valid_sources = [bpe_postprocess(s, bpe_type=bpe_type) for s in valid_sources] valid_references = [bpe_postprocess(v, bpe_type=bpe_type) for v in valid_references] valid_hypotheses = [bpe_postprocess(v, bpe_type=bpe_type) for v in valid_hypotheses] # if references are given, evaluate against them if valid_references: assert len(valid_hypotheses) == len(valid_references) current_valid_score = 0 if eval_metric.lower() == 'bleu': # this version does not use any tokenization current_valid_score = bleu( valid_hypotheses, valid_references, tokenize=sacrebleu["tokenize"]) elif eval_metric.lower() == 'chrf': current_valid_score = chrf(valid_hypotheses, valid_references, remove_whitespace=sacrebleu["remove_whitespace"]) elif eval_metric.lower() == 'token_accuracy': current_valid_score = token_accuracy( # supply List[List[str]] list(decoded_valid), list(data.trg)) elif eval_metric.lower() == 'sequence_accuracy': current_valid_score = sequence_accuracy( valid_hypotheses, valid_references) else: current_valid_score = -1 return current_valid_score, valid_loss, valid_ppl, valid_sources, \ valid_sources_raw, valid_references, valid_hypotheses, \ decoded_valid, valid_attention_scores
[docs]def parse_test_args(cfg, mode="test"): """ parse test args :param cfg: config object :param mode: 'test' or 'translate' :return: """ if "test" not in cfg["data"].keys(): raise ValueError("Test data must be specified in config.") batch_size = cfg["training"].get( "eval_batch_size", cfg["training"].get("batch_size", 1)) batch_type = cfg["training"].get( "eval_batch_type", cfg["training"].get("batch_type", "sentence")) use_cuda = (cfg["training"].get("use_cuda", False) and torch.cuda.is_available()) device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") if mode == 'test': n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count() if use_cuda else 0 k = cfg["testing"].get("beam_size", 1) batch_per_device = batch_size*k // n_gpu if n_gpu > 1 else batch_size*k"Process device: %s, n_gpu: %d, " "batch_size per device: %d (with beam_size)", device, n_gpu, batch_per_device) eval_metric = cfg["training"]["eval_metric"] elif mode == 'translate': # in multi-gpu, batch_size must be bigger than n_gpu! n_gpu = 1 if use_cuda else 0 logger.debug("Process device: %s, n_gpu: %d", device, n_gpu) eval_metric = "" level = cfg["data"]["level"] max_output_length = cfg["training"].get("max_output_length", None) # whether to use beam search for decoding, 0: greedy decoding if "testing" in cfg.keys(): beam_size = cfg["testing"].get("beam_size", 1) beam_alpha = cfg["testing"].get("alpha", -1) postprocess = cfg["testing"].get("postprocess", True) bpe_type = cfg["testing"].get("bpe_type", "subword-nmt") sacrebleu = {"remove_whitespace": True, "tokenize": "13a"} if "sacrebleu" in cfg["testing"].keys(): sacrebleu["remove_whitespace"] = cfg["testing"]["sacrebleu"] \ .get("remove_whitespace", True) sacrebleu["tokenize"] = cfg["testing"]["sacrebleu"] \ .get("tokenize", "13a") else: beam_size = 1 beam_alpha = -1 postprocess = True bpe_type = "subword-nmt" sacrebleu = {"remove_whitespace": True, "tokenize": "13a"} decoding_description = "Greedy decoding" if beam_size < 2 else \ "Beam search decoding with beam size = {} and alpha = {}". \ format(beam_size, beam_alpha) tokenizer_info = f"[{sacrebleu['tokenize']}]" \ if eval_metric == "bleu" else "" return batch_size, batch_type, use_cuda, device, n_gpu, level, \ eval_metric, max_output_length, beam_size, beam_alpha, \ postprocess, bpe_type, sacrebleu, decoding_description, \ tokenizer_info
# pylint: disable-msg=logging-too-many-args
[docs]def test(cfg_file, ckpt: str, batch_class: Batch = Batch, output_path: str = None, save_attention: bool = False, datasets: dict = None) -> None: """ Main test function. Handles loading a model from checkpoint, generating translations and storing them and attention plots. :param cfg_file: path to configuration file :param ckpt: path to checkpoint to load :param batch_class: class type of batch :param output_path: path to output :param datasets: datasets to predict :param save_attention: whether to save the computed attention weights """ cfg = load_config(cfg_file) model_dir = cfg["training"]["model_dir"] if len(logger.handlers) == 0: _ = make_logger(model_dir, mode="test") # version string returned # when checkpoint is not specified, take latest (best) from model dir if ckpt is None: ckpt = get_latest_checkpoint(model_dir) try: step = ckpt.split(model_dir+"/")[1].split(".ckpt")[0] except IndexError: step = "best" # load the data if datasets is None: _, dev_data, test_data, src_vocab, trg_vocab = load_data( data_cfg=cfg["data"], datasets=["dev", "test"]) data_to_predict = {"dev": dev_data, "test": test_data} else: # avoid to load data again data_to_predict = {"dev": datasets["dev"], "test": datasets["test"]} src_vocab = datasets["src_vocab"] trg_vocab = datasets["trg_vocab"] # parse test args batch_size, batch_type, use_cuda, device, n_gpu, level, eval_metric, \ max_output_length, beam_size, beam_alpha, postprocess, \ bpe_type, sacrebleu, decoding_description, tokenizer_info \ = parse_test_args(cfg, mode="test") # load model state from disk model_checkpoint = load_checkpoint(ckpt, use_cuda=use_cuda) # build model and load parameters into it model = build_model(cfg["model"], src_vocab=src_vocab, trg_vocab=trg_vocab) model.load_state_dict(model_checkpoint["model_state"]) if use_cuda: # multi-gpu eval if n_gpu > 1 and not isinstance(model, torch.nn.DataParallel): model = _DataParallel(model) for data_set_name, data_set in data_to_predict.items(): if data_set is None: continue dataset_file = cfg["data"][data_set_name] + "." + cfg["data"]["trg"]"Decoding on %s set (%s)...", data_set_name, dataset_file) #pylint: disable=unused-variable score, loss, ppl, sources, sources_raw, references, hypotheses, \ hypotheses_raw, attention_scores = validate_on_data( model, data=data_set, batch_size=batch_size, batch_class=batch_class, batch_type=batch_type, level=level, max_output_length=max_output_length, eval_metric=eval_metric, use_cuda=use_cuda, compute_loss=False, beam_size=beam_size, beam_alpha=beam_alpha, postprocess=postprocess, bpe_type=bpe_type, sacrebleu=sacrebleu, n_gpu=n_gpu) #pylint: enable=unused-variable if "trg" in data_set.fields:"%4s %s%s: %6.2f [%s]", data_set_name, eval_metric, tokenizer_info, score, decoding_description) else:"No references given for %s -> no evaluation.", data_set_name) if save_attention: if attention_scores: attention_name = "{}.{}.att".format(data_set_name, step) attention_path = os.path.join(model_dir, attention_name)"Saving attention plots. This might take a while..") store_attention_plots(attentions=attention_scores, targets=hypotheses_raw, sources=data_set.src, indices=range(len(hypotheses)), output_prefix=attention_path)"Attention plots saved to: %s", attention_path) else: logger.warning("Attention scores could not be saved. " "Note that attention scores are not available " "when using beam search. " "Set beam_size to 1 for greedy decoding.") if output_path is not None: output_path_set = "{}.{}".format(output_path, data_set_name) with open(output_path_set, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as out_file: for hyp in hypotheses: out_file.write(hyp + "\n")"Translations saved to: %s", output_path_set)
[docs]def translate(cfg_file: str, ckpt: str, output_path: str = None, batch_class: Batch = Batch, n_best: int = 1) -> None: """ Interactive translation function. Loads model from checkpoint and translates either the stdin input or asks for input to translate interactively. The input has to be pre-processed according to the data that the model was trained on, i.e. tokenized or split into subwords. Translations are printed to stdout. :param cfg_file: path to configuration file :param ckpt: path to checkpoint to load :param output_path: path to output file :param batch_class: class type of batch :param n_best: amount of candidates to display """ def _load_line_as_data(line): """ Create a dataset from one line via a temporary file. """ # write src input to temporary file tmp_name = "tmp" tmp_suffix = ".src" tmp_filename = tmp_name+tmp_suffix with open(tmp_filename, "w") as tmp_file: tmp_file.write("{}\n".format(line)) test_data = MonoDataset(path=tmp_name, ext=tmp_suffix, field=src_field) # remove temporary file if os.path.exists(tmp_filename): os.remove(tmp_filename) return test_data def _translate_data(test_data): """ Translates given dataset, using parameters from outer scope. """ # pylint: disable=unused-variable score, loss, ppl, sources, sources_raw, references, hypotheses, \ hypotheses_raw, attention_scores = validate_on_data( model, data=test_data, batch_size=batch_size, batch_class=batch_class, batch_type=batch_type, level=level, max_output_length=max_output_length, eval_metric="", use_cuda=use_cuda, compute_loss=False, beam_size=beam_size, beam_alpha=beam_alpha, postprocess=postprocess, bpe_type=bpe_type, sacrebleu=sacrebleu, n_gpu=n_gpu, n_best=n_best) return hypotheses cfg = load_config(cfg_file) model_dir = cfg["training"]["model_dir"] _ = make_logger(model_dir, mode="translate") # version string returned # when checkpoint is not specified, take oldest from model dir if ckpt is None: ckpt = get_latest_checkpoint(model_dir) # read vocabs src_vocab_file = cfg["data"].get("src_vocab", model_dir + "/src_vocab.txt") trg_vocab_file = cfg["data"].get("trg_vocab", model_dir + "/trg_vocab.txt") src_vocab = Vocabulary(file=src_vocab_file) trg_vocab = Vocabulary(file=trg_vocab_file) data_cfg = cfg["data"] level = data_cfg["level"] lowercase = data_cfg["lowercase"] tok_fun = lambda s: list(s) if level == "char" else s.split() src_field = Field(init_token=None, eos_token=EOS_TOKEN, pad_token=PAD_TOKEN, tokenize=tok_fun, batch_first=True, lower=lowercase, unk_token=UNK_TOKEN, include_lengths=True) src_field.vocab = src_vocab # parse test args batch_size, batch_type, use_cuda, device, n_gpu, level, _, \ max_output_length, beam_size, beam_alpha, postprocess, \ bpe_type, sacrebleu, _, _ = parse_test_args(cfg, mode="translate") # load model state from disk model_checkpoint = load_checkpoint(ckpt, use_cuda=use_cuda) # build model and load parameters into it model = build_model(cfg["model"], src_vocab=src_vocab, trg_vocab=trg_vocab) model.load_state_dict(model_checkpoint["model_state"]) if use_cuda: if not sys.stdin.isatty(): # input file given test_data = MonoDataset(path=sys.stdin, ext="", field=src_field) all_hypotheses = _translate_data(test_data) if output_path is not None: # write to outputfile if given def write_to_file(output_path_set, hypotheses): with open(output_path_set, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") \ as out_file: for hyp in hypotheses: out_file.write(hyp + "\n")"Translations saved to: %s.", output_path_set) if n_best > 1: for n in range(n_best): file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(output_path) write_to_file( "{}-{}{}".format( file_name, n, file_extension if file_extension else "" ), [all_hypotheses[i] for i in range(n, len(all_hypotheses), n_best)] ) else: write_to_file("{}".format(output_path), all_hypotheses) else: # print to stdout for hyp in all_hypotheses: print(hyp) else: # enter interactive mode batch_size = 1 batch_type = "sentence" while True: try: src_input = input("\nPlease enter a source sentence " "(pre-processed): \n") if not src_input.strip(): break # every line has to be made into dataset test_data = _load_line_as_data(line=src_input) hypotheses = _translate_data(test_data) print("JoeyNMT: Hypotheses ranked by score") for i, hyp in enumerate(hypotheses): print("JoeyNMT #{}: {}".format(i + 1, hyp)) except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print("\nBye.") break