Source code for joeynmt.embeddings

# coding: utf-8
Embedding module

import io
import math
import logging
import torch
from torch import nn, Tensor
from joeynmt.helpers import freeze_params
from joeynmt.vocabulary import Vocabulary

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Embeddings(nn.Module): """ Simple embeddings class """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument def __init__(self, embedding_dim: int = 64, scale: bool = False, vocab_size: int = 0, padding_idx: int = 1, freeze: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Create new embeddings for the vocabulary. Use scaling for the Transformer. :param embedding_dim: :param scale: :param vocab_size: :param padding_idx: :param freeze: freeze the embeddings during training """ super().__init__() self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim self.scale = scale self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.lut = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, self.embedding_dim, padding_idx=padding_idx) if freeze: freeze_params(self) # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Perform lookup for input `x` in the embedding table. :param x: index in the vocabulary :return: embedded representation for `x` """ if self.scale: return self.lut(x) * math.sqrt(self.embedding_dim) return self.lut(x)
def __repr__(self): return "%s(embedding_dim=%d, vocab_size=%d)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.embedding_dim, self.vocab_size) #from fairseq
[docs] def load_from_file(self, embed_path: str, vocab: Vocabulary): """Load pretrained embedding weights from text file. - First line is expected to contain vocabulary size and dimension. The dimension has to match the model's specified embedding size, the vocabulary size is used in logging only. - Each line should contain word and embedding weights separated by spaces. - The pretrained vocabulary items that are not part of the joeynmt's vocabulary will be ignored (not loaded from the file). - The initialization (specified in config["model"]["embed_initializer"]) of joeynmt's vocabulary items that are not part of the pretrained vocabulary will be kept (not overwritten in this func). - This function should be called after initialization! Example: 2 5 the -0.0230 -0.0264 0.0287 0.0171 0.1403 at -0.0395 -0.1286 0.0275 0.0254 -0.0932 :param embed_path: embedding weights text file :param vocab: Vocabulary object """ embed_dict = {} # parse file with, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f_embed: vocab_size, d = map(int, f_embed.readline().split()) assert self.embedding_dim == d, \ "Embedding dimension doesn't match." for line in f_embed.readlines(): tokens = line.rstrip().split(' ') if tokens[0] in vocab.stoi.keys(): embed_dict[tokens[0]] = torch.FloatTensor( [float(t) for t in tokens[1:]]) logger.warning("Loaded {} of {} ({:%}) tokens " "in the pre-trained embeddings.".format( len(embed_dict), vocab_size, len(embed_dict)/vocab_size)) # assign for idx in range(len(vocab)): token = vocab.itos[idx] if token in embed_dict: assert self.embedding_dim == len(embed_dict[token])[idx] = embed_dict[token] logger.warning("Loaded {} of {} ({:%}) tokens " "of the JoeyNMT's vocabulary.".format( len(embed_dict), len(vocab), len(embed_dict)/len(vocab)))